Brandi Love CamLife 2021 Interview
Brandi Love sat down with CamLife Magazine for this exclusive interview Brandi is no stranger to controversy or the pictures of CamLife Magazine. when we had reached out to Brandi about doing another interview with us she was trending on Twitter as well as being covered on YouTube by political commentators on both sides of the aisle,after having her vip pass revoked by Trunimg point USA and being asked to leave an event that she paid for.
When I spoke to my Business partner about the situation he asked so what is our stance as a company matter, and my response was 1.as a publication we believe in the first amendment and have complete unrestricted freedom of speech whether or not we agree with that particular speech or not. We also consider Brandi not only to be a friend of the CamLife but a member of the CamLife family.
Q: Tell us in your own words, what happened?
A: As a conservative, the past couple of years have been a dystopian nightmare for me. Riots, lockdowns, mask mandates, election integrity issues, suspended liberties, etc. As an American, regardless of political affiliation, it’s been equally horrific. Covid, human isolation, family tragedies, and more.
We were told about the TPUSA conference by a known political consultant who has worked on everything from Republican Presidential campaigns to local school board elections.
I have a young adult in college and have seen firsthand what goes on. The TPUSA mission seemed positive and solid. Charlie Kirk reminded me of a young Tucker Carlson or Ben Shapiro. A well-spoken, sharp mind and an unusual ability to not only recall stats & information but to also pivot on a dime from topic to topic.
The speaker list included people I admired, followed, and listened to regularly.
And it was right down the road from us in Tampa, FL.
I couldn’t wait to go and soak up some positivity from people I believed were just like me.
My husband & I arrived at our hotel on Saturday. We checked in and went over to the conference center to get registered. We received our lanyards etc and then walked through the exhibit hall to see what was going on in there. I’ve never been to a political conference like this & had no idea what to expect inside.
It was like any other conference, with companies discussing their goods & services. We stopped at the Second Amendment booth and had a great time chatting with the guys manning it. Occasionally someone would come up and ask to take a selfie. That’s just part of being who I am. These were not kids. They were young adults who ran TPUSA chapters at the universities and their fathers … and sometimes their moms.
I also snapped a couple of photos of myself in front of the busses and Fox News banners etc. Not to promote me… not to sell a subscription to my OnlyFans but to promote TPUSA.
Like it or not, I have a huge college-aged fan base that has likely never heard of them.
After spending maybe 40 min at the exhibit hall, my husband & I went back to the hotel to freshen up, change and meet our friend and political consultant for dinner. Then we went back to the conference for the opening ceremony and speakers.
We were seated in the adult VIP section and watched the opening ceremony as well as all the speakers and then went back to the hotel for a drink at the bar.
Unfortunately, the light show, loud music, etc upset my husband’s post-concussive syndrome so we called it a night and went up to our room.
I jumped onto my social media accounts to see what was going on and saw a tweet from someone that said sorry about what happened at TPUSA. I had no idea what that meant. I kind of discarded it and logged into my email and that’s when I saw the email where they revoked my attendance.
After that, there was a series of stories, explanations, and flat-out lies as to why they canceled me.
Q: Have you heard from TPUSA at all? Or Charlie Kirk?
A: I was contacted by representatives of the Candace Owens show and asked to come on and speak with Candace. After speaking to those who know her and had heard from insiders what the plan actually was, I declined.
What Candace and Charlie don’t understand is that I have a lot of friends inside what would be considered conservative circles. Probably because of who I am, and because they know I would never reveal our discussions, they know they are safe discussing things with me. I have a steadfast saying: “It’s not my shit to tell.”
I have every reason to believe It was going to be a hit piece, designed to destroy my credibility. In my opinion, Candace is a hate pimp. I’m the ho that stepped out of line.
Q: How has what’s happened changed your views of conservatism and extremism within both parties?
A: It’s now a month later, and I feel fierce as well as a sense of sadness. The sadness comes from a realization & insider knowledge that there are factions on the right that are just as despicable as those on the left.
Fierce because I refuse to stay silent. I will not back down from thugs on the right or left.
My eyes were opened to a group of people who I wish were not associated with MAGA & Conservatism.
This faction within Conservatism has seized upon one issue (Social Conservatism) and is trying to capture the language and the MAGA movement within it.
That will fail.
Because MAGA is diverse. We are Black, White, Hispanic, LGBTQ, Pornstars, Christians, Jewish, Agnostics, Atheists, etc.
I’m disgusted with TPUSA and those that have sided with hate, censorship, and the cancel culture.
I’m as disgusted with them as I am with Antifa, BLM, and The Squad.
That said, most Conservatives don’t have a negative attitude towards adult entertainers. There have even been a number of prominent conservatives like Meghan McCain, The Hodge Twins, Ben Domenech, Chicks on the Right, Tim Young, Matt Couch, Dinesh Joseph D’Souza, Eric Matheny, Shannon Burke, etc that came out in my support. And those that may be felt uneasy about doing it publicly called me on the phone. It’s been heartwarming.
The truth is there are people and organizations on both sides that hate adult entertainment. Let’s not forget that Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr all banned adults. They are not conservatives.
The older I get, the less I understand the hatred of it.
I will forever be an American, Constitutional Conservative.
Q: How did it feel to have Meghan McCain tweet her support out for you? Are you close?
A: I know that Meghan was not fond of President Trump. I don’t blame her for that. That relationship was contentious. I respect & adore that she stood by her father. I also know that it has to be challenging to have a “pornstar” talking with your husband regardless of if it’s because I occasionally write for The Federalist. I respect & adore that she stood by her husband as well. She’s a badass bitch!
People need to put themselves in her shoes.
I had no idea or prior notice that she was going to say what she did. It honestly brought me to tears.
Imagine the inner strength and confidence in who you are and what you believe to do that? That’s genuine conviction. That’s real integrity.
I wouldn’t say we are close but certainly hopeful that the friendship will continue to grow.
Q: Who were some of your supporters that surprised you?
A: Without listing more than I’ve mentioned above, what I can say is that it has been deeply encouraging to find out that there are a lot more conservatives like me than like “them”
The problem is, and this is a very real problem, those like me need to start stepping up to the plate. We need to start getting involved, getting vocal, and start giving our time and financial resources.
The reason TPUSA is so visible is that they are money-raising machines. This group of zealots give huge amounts of money and are very active.
We’ve been content to let them because they vote as we do.
Q: Why do you think people like Candace Owens turned on you? Do you believe Candace is a true conservative or just an opportunist who switches sides when it’s profitable and convenient?
A: I used to believe people like Candice Owens were fabulous… unfortunately I was wrong.
Not only did she attack me, but Candace said Tomi Lauren should have been kicked out too since she endorsed Caitlyn Jenner.
This weekend taught me a lot about people and politics.
The Democrats have their fanatics to deal with such as Antifa, BLM and The Squad. The Republicans have theirs to deal with as well such as this ultra-religious faction and white nationalists.
You cannot govern a country as wonderfully diverse as the UNITED States of America from the extremes of either side.
It will always lead to the same dark place.
And let’s not be naïve …. There is a ton of money being made by pandering to the extremes. Does she genuinely believe the extreme positions she spouts? I have no idea, but by doing so, she has amassed a sizeable net worth.
Q: You come from a proud line of Republicans. Beyond family, what attracted you to conservatism?
A: A lack of options? Lol
This is a tough and touchy subject for some. Not for me, but for many. I would not define myself as a “Republican.” I would not define myself as a “Democrat.”
I am what I have always referred to as sex, drink, and rock n roll conservative. I’m truthfully a political centrist. Unfortunately, the media complex in America, the current Democrat party, and Globalists won’t allow that space to be occupied.
The reason I and everyone like me, use and claim the word conservative is that we love America as founded. We love and cherish The Constitution. We want our Constitutional Republic to endure forever.
The other side wants to “fundamentally remake America.” They want it all torn down and rebuilt into something that horrifies me.
Traditionally conservative policies feed the human spirit. They are radically individual and allow people to be whatever their talents and or drive allow them to be. At the same time, they provide common-sense rules for human behavior.
I like that and need that.
Q: How do you define conservatism?
A: For me personally, conservatism is:
– The Liberty & Freedom Promised in the Constitution
– Limited Federal Government Power
– Federalism
– American Exceptionalism
– Capitalism
– Judeo Christian Values
– Low Taxes
– Individualism
– Strong Military
– #2A
– Charity & Grace
Q: What is the future of the Republican party slash conservative movement?
A: They are going to need to embrace and define “Big Tent” Conservatism.
The entire movement isn’t broken. That was my immediate and hopefully understandable, knee-jerk reaction to being canceled.
I had just sat through four speakers talking about the evils of cancel culture and censorship.
And then was canceled. It was extremely jarring.
I do however believe that as a party we need to stop allowing them to separate us into groups and then pander to that group.
The so-called culture leaders such as Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh, Candace, etc are doing what the left does. Dividing us.
Americans exist in the middle, not on the extremes. Whether you are a traditional liberal or a traditional conservative in the vein of Ronald Reagan or Trump you live and believe somewhere between 4 & 7 on a 10-point sliding scale.
The people wanting us to be governed and live at the extremes of that scale are dangerous. And their policies are dangerous.
It’s time for the majority to become as loud as the fringe.
Or it will be lost.
Q: How are you adapting to the new way you see some within your movement?
A: With deep and sickening sadness.
I agree with Ben Shapiro when he states: “facts don’t care about your feelings.” That said, my feelings sure do care about the facts.
The sad fact is, there are so many people who want to control us. Who wants to divide us; Who wants to plunder our bank accounts, And this occurs on the right as much as it does on the left.
I just pull closer to those like me and rest in the truth that there are more of us than them.
Q: Should people be allowed to decide who is allowed to attend public events or appear in public spaces based on their profession alone?
A: Thankfully, the answer is as clear as the absurdity of the question. I appreciate you asking it that way!
Q: What’s next for you moving forward from this?
A: I am just going to continue being me.
I am going to start a long-format podcast in 2022 where I’ll be discussing everything that interests me and or my guests.
But aside from that, I am going to continue doing what I love.
Q: How has this incident and all the media attention impacted your career?
A: It’s a mixed bag honestly. On the one hand, it has cost me a lot of money. I haven’t been paid for any of the articles, interviews, TV, or radio appearances. That’s a ton of lost revenue.
On the other hand, it has opened doors to developing friendships that mean more to me than any dollar figure. Additionally, I have been able to reach people who are just like me and reassure them that they aren’t alone. That’s priceless.
Q: In your opinion, what can cammers and performers do to protect themselves from censorship?
A: This is a really challenging and complex question.
My advice would be this:
Know your place. There is zero reasons to be discussing politics on set, or on live cam, or if you are marketing yourself on a tube site or adult-centric social network. Thank God there are still places where we don’t have to talk politics.
Mainstream Social: Unfortunately, not much. Although Twitter has banned My President, they are still one of the few mainstream Social Media platforms that allow most speech. They are much better than any of the Facebook / Instagram properties or Tumblr etc.
For now, be good, little, compliant, cogs in the wheel.
“Conservative” Social: Here the challenge is the opposite. You are welcome to discuss your conservative political beliefs, and you will likely be allowed to “tastefully” promote your adult endeavors, but I’d keep it PG-13.
Get involved in fighting FOR free speech. This has gotten ridiculous and dangerous. Free speech is free speech.
Start your own podcast. Podcasting is one of the few and last bastions of free speech. Use it!
Research and find places where you can discuss what is important to you. Start your own Sub-Reddit or Substack where you are free to make and control your own rules.
Q: What’s next for you?
A: More fun, more porn, more outspoken conservatism, and more radical individualism!
Q: What would you like to promote?
OnlyBrandi.com – This is my personal OnlyFans where you will not only find exclusive free & pay per download new content but where everyone has access to my DM’s, sexting, custom content requests, and more!
MeetBrandi.com – This is my personal Fanime. Similar to my OnlyFans but with a more traditional pricing model & content only found on this platform.
HandiBrandi.com – My personal Fleshlight! Custom molded from my pussy and ass!
CamSoda – I love these people! I feel so strongly about this group that it is the ONLY place I do my live shows!
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See Brandi live on cam on CamSoda by visiting her official page http://camsoda.com/brandi-love. Follow Brandi on Twitter for showtimes and updates at @brandi_love. Support her and enjoy her amazing exclusive content at OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/brandi_love.
Visit her fan site http://meetbrandi.com and pick up her official Fleshlight at http://handybrandi.com/.
Check out our Showcase featuring Brandi here
Intro By Gabriel Bender Cain
interview conducted By D Cypher
This content is the IP of CamLife Magazine do not republish in part or in whole with out linking our source credit
© CamLife Magazine 2021