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Lindsey Banks


Cam Life  Interviews Flirt4free model  Lindsey Banks


Cam Life Magazine’s Bender Cain Interviews Flirt4free & Fleshlight Girl Lindsey Banks”][vc_column_text] So Lindsey how long have you been Camming? I have been camming with Flirt4Free over 5 years. 5 years short, the time has flown by quickly!

What did you do before you became one of the Live Cam community’s biggest stars? You’re so flattering 🙂 I had 2 jobs, I was a blackjack dealer with a private casino company and I worked atVictoria’s Secret for a year or 2 before I quit and went camming full time.

Lindsey, how did your family and friends feel about your decision to become alive Cam models? As many people in our industry, many people around me did not know about my Cam life for a while. Few people knew and I decided I was owning up to it and going public with my career as a Flirt4Free FleshlightCamStar after people from my hometown as well as the family began finding out. I had backlash from both friends and family so I can only assume they felt either ashamed, embarrassed, upset or maybe a mixture of those emotions. I don’t associate or talk with a majority of people from my past which pushed me to be stronger and very independent. My personal circle is mostly made up of close Cam family I have made through my year scamming, very few family members and a handful of close friends.

Do you have anyone special in your life? I have many people in my life, and all of them are special to me in different ways. Xo

Now, Lindsey, you are from the Lone Star state, how are Texas girls different from other girls? Wow, I feel like Texas girls are very proud to be from Tx. Being from Texas is a pride that only a true Texan would understand. It’s an automatic connection when I find out someone is from Tx. Like, I will go out of my way for someone from Tx. By the way, did you know we are also known as the ‘Friendly’ State?

Lindsey, you have an amazing body, how do you stay in shape? I try to make healthy food choices, but I CHEAT all the time so I don’t know what’s up with that. I do try to stretch regularly and I’m usually consistent with that.

Do you have a beautiful smile and a great outlook on how important is having a positive attitude and having it shine through? Well, thank you! It’s very important to me to have a positive outlook. I like to feel happy and when someone can make me smile or I can make them smile, it can completely change my day. If a performer can make a healthy cycle of inputting and outputting an emotion, they can hone in on how to mold it into their chatroom. It’s like a lifestyle. What you put out, you take in. It just goes to show how much power having a great attitude has.

What was your first day of being a Cam model like? I had no idea what the hell I was doing or what I was getting myself into! My first day I did not know what to expect. I was in shock with how responsive the chat was! I cruised it a little while before I was steered into a different direction on how to conduct my open chat. I wish I could have had someone walk me through from day1 since I didn’t even know what a cam girl was! It’s a very lonesome type of job so when I started interacting with the company and other models it only became more clear that having a community can help ease the transition into camming.

So, Lindsey, you broadcast on flirt4free one of the oldest and most popular cam sites on the planet. What made you choose flirt4free? I am so fortunate I found Flirt4Free. I remember I saw an ad online and I applied. Since the first year of camming Flirt has always been responsive and interactive from when a model contacts them, to their sites constant contests and changing improved layout/features for members and models. They take feedback and ideas from models and studios seriously and incorporate ideas as much as they can. Becoming a very active model in the Flirt community was a pleasure from the beginning and I look forward to continuing to be part of the Flirt4Free family.

What is a typical day on cam like for you? I thought about this for a minute before acknowledging that there is no typical day. There is always something new going on, different people every day, ever-changing feelings, new contests, new achievements, new goals

What is a typical day like for you when you are not on cam? I have the closest coolest run-ins with nature so I like to do activities that involve being a little active and trying to pet wild animals. Before I started traveling consistently I played a lot of Pokemon Go and watched a lot more anime, and shopping, of course. I live an untraditional lifestyle so my days aren’t very typical either haha. I still shop though.

What can fans expect from your show? Lots of music.

 So what is the kinkiest request you have ever received from a fan? I think all I’m gonna say is that it was a private show that required a 13-15 inch toilet brush on their end. 

How did you pick your stage name? Oh man. Well, I like to make Bank.

Do you have a favorite sex toy? I like vibrators. and cash

Do you have a favorite aphrodisiac? Do fried oysters count?

Do you have any guilty pleasures? If it’s a pleasure to me, usually there’s no guilt

As a former strip club DJ, I know music is very important to any successful cam model. I also know music is a passion for you. What music works the best for you on cam? I love music. Music brings different feelings and vibes to my room. I love playing anything from rap & hip hop to latin reggaeton, country occasionally, and new music like holiday playlists a good friend of mine makes to celebrate different genres during the holidays.

How has being a cam model changed you? I’ve changed in a lot of ways being a camgirl. I’m more confident and open-minded about myself and my work. Being a successful cam model has changed me in the way that I want to bring awareness and change to the issues we face in our community. Hence the CamgirlTakeover events we do cross country and even globally.

How important is social media to your success? Social Media plays a big part in our ever growing industry. The Adult Entertainment Industry has changed so much because of the internet and social media. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat (my personal fave), and all social platforms can be used to interact with members, as well as friends and people in the community! Plugging your

‘offline’ life into your social media can show fans how much BTS work you do for them, and it gives them a personal look into what you think or how you live your life. Being interactive and up to date with your profiles on, your social media is great to express yourself and connect with others.   

What social media do you use and how can your fans keep up with you and your career? I regularly use Snapchat ( @LoveLindsey21) and Twitter ( @Banksie231). Only recently did I consecutively start using Instagram ( @Banksie231). Follow me 🙂 I was awarded Social Media Star at Flirt4Free’s Summit in2016 and I will definitely own up to the honor the best I can.

How do you deal with rude fans on chat or online? Bring out what some of my fans know as the Banks Ban hammer 🙂 p.s. you do not want to make me mad!

Now, Lindsey, you are one of a very select few cam models to be chosen to be fleshlight girls what was it like to be chosen for such an honor?  Goodness, yes. It was a surprise when I was first asked to become a Fleshlight girl. I learned more about the company and the prestige honor of working with Flirt on being a Camstar as time went on attending events and speaking on panels. I’ve truly learned so much, and at the same time, it just feels natural in a way. The process of being a CamStar started a while back giving me time to normalize it before the status began to gain momentum. If that makes any sense? All in all, It truly is an honor I was selected and asked to represent the company this way.

Ok, so Lindsey if you had to spend a week alone on a desert island what three things would you bring with you? A Knife, Water container/mechanism type thing and a Tarp.

What are your goals outside of the cam community? Goals outside of the cam community. I am forever active in fighting for women’s and minority’s rights. I attend rallies and active in social issues on social media but also in person and outside the cammunity.

You also attend a lot of events for the cam community representing flirt4free and fleshlight such as AVN and Xbiz you Are you even going to South America for an event? What is this like to represent the industry and interact with other people in the community? Yes! I absolutely love representing the companies I work with. Especially Flirt. Getting to travel across Latinoamerica is a pleasure and a privilege. Spanish speaking countries have a lot to relate on as far as how our cultures view work in adult entertainment. The latin community is a very big part of our industry. The opportunity to interact and learn is similar but how different the work we do is really open to more opportunities and learning experiences.

Now, Lindsey,y we here at Cam Life Magazine know there are a lot of comparisons between porn and Cam. We fill these comparisons are unfair. We believe that the to should remain separate. What are your thoughts on this? First, I love that CamLife Magazine is solely concentrated on and focused on cam. The type of platform you provide for us is important, so thank you! I’ve previously stated on social media that I feel that representation is important everywhere. I honestly mean it. Porn and cam are very different, yes I agree with that, but I also believe separating the two is like segregation. I personally know camgirls who went starting with camming and went into porn successfully. And the same with people who start with porn then transition into camming. Some

dabble with both. I think it’s a little close-minded to completely separate the two. There is a lot both branches of the industry could accomplish working together

We here at Cam Life Magazine feel that life can be more than just an industry. It is a community. What are your thoughts on this? I 100% agree. The community is definitely growing too. Cammers can relate and learn so many things from each other. Some friends and I ( Becky Lesabre, Norah Nova, & Layla Reynolds) have taken up trying to bring cam people (specifically camgirls and those in the LGBTQ community) together with what the internet has graciously made easier. Our CamgirlTakeover really believes in the importance to have a community because as a cammer, there aren’t many outlets to share, vent, or talk about how it feels/is to cam! Our representation is important!

Thank you so much for once again for taking the time to answer our questions here at Cam Life Magazine? Xo  

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