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Cam models beauty tips

Cam models beauty tips

Cam model beauty tips from Bsmart Studios In a business where looks and attitude are everything its very important to take care of yourself mind body and soul. So we here at CamLife Magazine asked our dear friends at Bsmart Studios to share some beauty tips for Cam models.

It’s more than necessary to have healthy and shiny hair. Especially when we are at all times the center of attention. Them, members, are very thorough and they have a keen eye for details so that’s why maintaining healthy hair is a must before appearing to them. We’ll share 5 tips for having great hair:


1. Know your type.

Before anything you have to know what type of hair you have. Greasy, Dry? For instance, people with greasy hair can wash it on a daily basis and those with dry hair can wash it once every other day. And knowing this you can make the best choice of hair products for taking care of it.

2. Combing and styling

It’s important to use a brush made with organic materials and to brush your hair lightly and gently to protect the roots of the hair. Don’t brush it when it’s wet, it’s sensitive and it will break more easily.

3. Be careful with the hairdryer

The hot air is prone to deteriorate the roots so keep in mind to hold it approximately 15 cm away from the head. During the summer, if you are not in a hurry, let it dry by itself. It’s sexy to display a rebel look from time to time.

4. Shiny hair

You can find online tons of ways to take care of your hair without throwing a lot of money on it. The most common products to use can be found in your kitchen such as olive oil, lemon juice freshly squeezed from a lemon, apple vinegar. You can combine these and come up with a nourishing and cheap hair mask.

When it’s applied, the hair mask, you should normally leave it on for about 15 – 30 minutes.

My favorite: take a full spoon of honey, 2 yolks, 1 spoon of natural yogurt, and just a little bit of hot water. Mix all of these and apply I on your hair with a gentle rub, using your fingertips, and then cover your hair with a plastic foil. Wait for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. It will help with regeneration.

5. Ways to wear your hair

To avoid having your hair break or fall often try not to wear it tight or in ponytails. Choose a more voluminous hairstyle, let it loose at night and, if you wear extensions, let’s your hair breathe once every 3 months, to be itself, not with extensions. 

Anca Craciun Bsmart Studios
Anca Craciun Bsmart Studios

By Anca Craciun

CamBased: The New Kid On The Block

CamLife Magazine

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