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The Queen of Cam

CamLife  Interview’s LittleRedBunny

We here at Cam Life Magazine sat down with the Icon herself the Queen of Cams LittleRedBunny. First off before we start Little Red Bunny I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down with us here at Cam Life Magazine to answer some questions for our readers.

Bender, So what should I refer to as? 

LittleRedBunny – Most people know me as LittleRedBunny, and then people that know me closer will call me by my name Ophelia, “O” for short, or sweet names such as Red, Bun, Little, Ophie, etc. These are all good for me. I like that each adds a special touch by calling me what comes naturally to them. 

Bender, how exactly did you come up with your stage name?

 LittleRedBunny –Well I am Little, I am Red (real, natural red hair) and I hope a lot, either on my bed when teasing or for real in life when excited and hopping around clapping my hands like a kid (yeah, I really do that!). I think it represents quite well who I am while also hinting at my genuine playful, joyful, and cuddling personality. Oh… I do have little fur too, the red kind! 

Bender, made you get into camming? 

 LittleRedBunny- I wanted to work from home and while checking on the web I saw sites with live girls. I originally thought it was all fake, and none were actually live, but I was wrong. I eventually decided to try it out for the kick of it, thinking I would probably last a few days or a few weeks at most. Especially knowing I would probably not really get it, not fit in or be able to make much out of it since I’ve never been anything close to a stripper, a porn-type of girl. I was actually quite shy and inhibited, but I do have a tendency to challenge myself a little or to test myself if it is within my boundaries. So part of it was a necessity and the other part was curiosity. 

Bender, alright so how did your family and friends feel about your decision to become a live cam model? 

 LittleRedBunny- Shhhhh! Nobody knows!

Bender, Now you have been referred to as the Queen of cams by the Daily Beast, how do you feel having such a title bestowed upon you?

 LittleRedBunny – The title was beyond flattering and to be honest, I’ve never been sure, even to this day, if I deserve or can really hold this title since there are so many other performers out there who are talented, successful, and hardworking as well. But as people say, you have to know how to take a compliment, and this one was a huge blessing at the same time. It is still very touching to me. 

Bender, So you have had some private chats that have lasted over 19 hours, That has got to be some kind of record. What kind of mindset do you have to go into a session like that? 

LittleRedBunny- I like to always appreciate the present moment for what it is, and when you have a good time, you do not see time go by. I love what I do, and when in good company, time becomes irrelevant. 

Bender, what is the strangest request you have ever gotten from a fan?  

LittleRedBunny- There are a lot of requests of all types. Some people will warn me that they have a strange fetish or request and often I am like, oh ok!!! It’s often a thing I have seen before and while people are self-conscious of some of their desires or fetishes, they are not as strange as they think, and they are not the only ones having them. There have been some that caught me by surprise, but you know, what happens in private stays in private, so out of respect for my dear friends, I have to keep this dimension of my work for myself. Sorry!! 

Bender, So you have been camming since 09 and many cam models have come to look up to you. What kind of feedback have you gotten from other models?  

LittleRedBunny- From what some models have shared with me, I think some simply admire my patience or the fact that I seem to almost always have a good time, I’m smiling, laughing, and moving around a lot. Some like to watch me while drinking their coffee before working to get in the mood, or some watch me when they take a break and need to cheer up. I think it may generally be a positive vibe that can be inspiring and motivating. It’s hard to tell. Some do share they wish to be like me one day, and I always say the most successful you can be is to be the best of who you are and use what you have. Plus, I don’t think I am better than anyone, so I’m not sure which part of me they wish to emulate. I have a lot of faults that they would be way better without! Haha.  

Bender, We here at Cam Life Magazine believe the live webcam industry is more than just a business it is a community, where everyone is kind of rooting for each other and wants everyone else to do well what are your thoughts on this? 

LittleRedBunny- I am a strong believer in this as well. This industry is quite new, to a certain degree, while growing quite fast like most web industries. Yet we are still not that many and while we all are growing at different paces and aiming for different goals, paths, and strategies, we all want to see it reach its best potential. I’ve seen a lot of competitors chatting casually together, and from one event to the other, I’ve always felt like we were a strong, tight community trying to all grow together while reaching individual business goals

.We share a lot of experiences and have interesting topics to discuss, yet we know how to all enjoy a good time, bond together, and keep the competition a friendly and constructive one. It doesn’t take too long before we start to get to know most of the people so there is a lot of personal interactions, strong friendships, and bonds that get created. I’ve always found it amazing that all these super-smart, successful professionals that run complex businesses are able to enjoy a good time and a lot of the stronger connections created happen while bonding during casual meet and greet dinners or parties. After all, I think we prefer working with someone which whom we see things eye to eye, with people we can trust, and that usually develops itself when you get to know the real person behind the business they represent. I think most of us approach it this way, at least from my experience. So yes, we are definitely a strong community that is more than purely business.

Bender, Do you have any guilty pleasures? 

LittleRedBunny – Ah!!! Of course not!! Haha. Ok, I’ll try to answer better than that. I am very frugal and don’t care much for material things. But I might be a “little bit” of a hedonist. I LOVE good food, from a food truck in the street to the best seafood place, but not chocolate, sweets, and dessert-like most typical girls. I love a well-made cocktail too. But most of all I enjoy being in good company when having these things and my biggest treat is to travel and discover other cultures, cuisines, and cocktails.

Bender, What do you like the most about camming? 

LittleRedBunny – The personal and intercultural interactions. I love sharing with people and love the fact they share with me as well. I have learned so much just by listening to others, having various discussions with them, sharing fantasies together, and so on. It changed me as a person and the knowledge and maturity it gave me is not something I could’ve probably learned anywhere else, so I am grateful for that. Depending on who is visiting me each day, my night may take an unexpected turn, which can be spicy and fun. 

Bender, What do you like the least about camming? 

LittleRedBunny – When the technology gets in the way. You can be in the best mood, excited to get online and have a good time, and then some technical problem occurs, and you can spend minutes or hours getting that solved just to get online. That breaks the mood so badly, probably more than being caught by your parents while having sex when you thought they were out of town! 

Bender, Now you are also an entrepreneur you have partnered up with a team of people to put together a web series wank bank can you tell us a little bit about this?

 LittleRedBunny – This was a very exciting project that was totally unexpected. I met a “doorman” at the Adult Entertainment Expo and Adult Video Awards in Vegas in 2014 and because he was a giant black guy and I was so little and white I HAD to have a picture with him and asked him for his Twitter info so I could send him the picture once I got back home. Long story short, that night, one of his co-workers apparently asked him if he knew who I was and told him I was a well-known cam model. (It is the year I won the Favorite Camgirl Awards at AVN). Turns out he is a writer and director, and years later while working on a script, he had the idea I could totally fit in a story playing myself as LittleRedBunny, and being the subconscious of a guy who has a masturbating addiction and gets caught doing it in public. That character ends up having to go to meetings of “masturbators anonymous” to save jail time. It was a fun and challenging experience for me to work for the first time in a comedy series and being part of an independent project. Hopefully, we will see the web series popping out in 2018. In addition to being an actor in the movie, I am also an executive producer.

Bender, You have also co-hosted the Ynot awards with Jay Kopita what was that like.? 

 LittleRedBunny – Well that was nice and easy! I was co-hosting the AW Awards in 2016 in Romania that required much more preparation because of all of the acts, segments, and choreography that went in during the whole show. It was left for my co-host and me what we wanted to do for everything in-between so I felt like it was a bigger responsibility to make sure the night would stay interesting yet fluid for the audience. With Jay, it was very different, since it is his show he has been doing for years, and he remains the main host. Jay is a really fun guy that keeps it simple and does most of the talking! Haha. He is great to hang out with and we both share a similar sense of humor, so the chemistry was there and I just had to follow the flow and let our good, friendly and fun relationship shine on stage.

Bender, Speaking of Jay we love Jay here at Cam Life Magazine how is Jay to work with? 

 LittleRedBunny – Jay and I are very similar in many things which makes us get along well since the first time we met. He is very organized and likes things done his way and has a lot of experience too, which makes it quite easy to go on with. It’s always easier with a clear direction than without. While being a perfectionist like me, he likes to do everything without complications and simplicity while having a laid-back attitude. He approaches everything with fun and he has a great sense of humor, which I relate to quite well, so it was fun and natural to follow his direction while he was totally open-minded to my input, ideas, and creativity for both the video we did together and hosting that night. I would do it again anytime!

Bender, What has been your greatest achievement in the industry?  

LittleRedBunny – To me it was that the hard work, dedication, and passion I have given throughout the years, along with my personality, which allowed me to become appreciated by the visitors of the websites I was working on. Also, I’m so honored by getting to the point I have and getting the recognition and respect from my peers (including other cam models) and people in the industry itself. I had the opportunity to speak not only to adult media outlets but mainstream as well, in which I had my own agenda to give a different yet positive outlook on our industry beyond the stigma that we have from the general public. I always try to enlighten the mainstream audience as to what we actually do and how we are different than the porn industry, which I think we are too often unfairly judged as being a part of an extension of. 

Bender, Are you involved in any kind of charity work?  

LittleRedBunny – As much as there are many things I would love to support or contribute to, I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to choose a specific charity. I did do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge a few years ago and donated all my tips and earnings from that night, but otherwise, I just haven’t had the time to work on much else. Hopefully, that will change soon and I find something I’m passionate about and can get involved in it more directly.  

Bender, Now I know you are a native New Yorker so what makes new York people different?  

LittleRedBunny – I think everybody is different. Of course, being from a big city, especially like here, it is more multicultural than some other places. But we are still all just who we are. But I have to say, one thing that I love and I would have trouble living without, is the fact that it’s the city that never sleeps. With my late-night hours, I can pretty much go offline anytime and still get a decent meal and sometimes a drink, even though it’s late in the night. I think I would find it a little hard to not have this available to me if I was living elsewhere. You just get used to that as a normal thing. But also as humans, we have the great ability to adapt, so I am pretty sure I could manage quite fine without this little luxury.

Bender, Very few people celebrate the New Year like New Yorkers so how do you plan to bring in the new year? 

LittleRedBunny – I am NOT going to freeze my ass off to look at the ball going down! Haha! I will be online, all warm and cozy, working on other balls and watch other “things” go up instead of down! I usually plan to pop champagne for the European midnight time, and another one for my New York time zone, while doing cheers through as many other time zones as I can throughout the night. I like to celebrate with everyone here online, and in the last few years, it has led to some very fun nights. 

Bender, Do you have any new years resolutions?  

LittleRedBunny – Ahh! I failed at my last ones! So, shall I try to do better this year? Of course, I will try. I want to do my best to grow my LittleRedAcademy which is an extension of what I have been doing the last eight-plus years. My intent is to share my knowledge and help as much as I can for others to succeed faster and better than I did by cutting down the trial and error I had to go through. Besides my years of experience, I am quite knowledgeable of psychology (both on the performer side and member side) and I would be more than happy to see more people doing well and loving what they do like I did (and still do) myself. 

Bender, Can you tell our readers that aren’t familiar with you what site you broadcast on?  

LittleRedBunny – To find me you can go to my White Label on LiveJasmin, where I have been broadcasting for more than eight years: LittleRedBunny And this is my direct “referral” page on Streamate, which I have been live streaming as well since this last summer:

Bender, Now Bunny you are an independent cam model so in your opinion what is the difference between an independent and a performer that works through a studio?

 LittleRedBunny – The main difference that I can see is the support team surrounding the model at a studio. As an independent, you are totally by yourself working from home. For this reason, I personally don’t feel like I am “going to work.” My hours are as flexible as I wish and the only rules I have are the ones from the sites on which I broadcast. This means the success independent models can achieve is solely dependent on how hard they work, their ability to “wear many hats” and be able to professionally handle all the spheres that surround live performers (creating content, PR, marketing, technology, hiring professionals when needed, etc.).As a studio model, the team there will usually cover most of the model’s needs so she can just focus on being on cam. Many studios also offer training before models start broadcasting so they are not sent into the unknown or left unprepared as independent models can sometimes be. I think another nice aspect of studios is being surrounded by other people that do the same thing as you do, so it’s like always having family and friends around. When working home alone, I think you can get caught in a bubble and be quite disconnected from the rest of the world without a supportive environment which can make it more difficult for independent models to remain motivated as well. This has never been an issue for me personally, but I’ve heard it from a few other independent models. I’ve never worked in a studio, so these thoughts are mostly from what I have seen by visiting studios and conversations I’ve had with various models, studio owners, managers, and others. So, my thoughts on this topic are from the limited knowledge I have and might not be a well-rounded and accurate view.  

Bender, You have really become a kind of ambassador within the cam community how do you feel about this?  

 LittleRedBunny – Woah!! That sounds like such a big and serious title! Honestly, I am more than flattered and honored, and if it’s a status given to me, I would always do what I can to represent this industry to the best of my ability. Since my very first interview, I’ve always felt the need to talk more about the industry than myself. I realized quickly that camming is quite unknown from many in the mainstream world, and it’s misunderstood, misjudged, and it was a priority of mine to differentiate it from the perception most had that it was just a new kind of porn. To me, webcamming is much different than porn, and without any judgment towards porn, I feel like we all deserve to be recognized and respected for the differences, with the hope we won’t carry the stigma porn has within the general public. Camming has a social influence, and we interact with people and create a lot of close relationships with those we meet. Being at many events since 2013 made me feel part of a tight and close community, like a big family in which I am proud to be part of and I’m always amazed by the quality and professionalism of the people that are part of it. This whole industry is close to my heart, just like what I do, so I am willing to stand in the front to represent the industry to the whole world at any time. 

Bender, What advice would you give an up and coming performer in the Cam community?

 LittleRedBunny – I have learned there is no magical recipe. Everybody is different, everybody gets into this job for a variety of reasons, with different motivations, personalities, skills, and so on. Which is the reason I created my LittleRedAcademy. I have the desire to help people that really want to make this work and to create an easier path starting out. I really believe that a personal approach is a more successful and faster way to success based on many factors related to an individual. So instead of generic, or

all-encompassing coaching and tricks, I want to go beyond that and work with the personality, psychology, and desire of a performer to then enhance that person’s skills so they find enjoyment, motivation, satisfaction and reach success faster.

Bender, What tools mental, emotional, and spiritual are most important to be a successful cam performer?   

LittleRedBunny – Self-respect, self-confidence, patience, motivation and enjoy what you are doing. 

Bender, What’s on your playlist? 

LittleRedBunny – I mostly play music from the 20s to 60s, with a little allowance around those decades, going with some earlier years if it still fits my style, with some international music like Bossa Nova for example. I sometimes do theme nights, like reggae, with more variety to come soon. My knowledge and appreciation for music are much wider than this though, so the more people get to know me, the more they discover about me, and music is definitely a big part of this. 

Bender, Ok so if you had to spend a week alone on a desert island and you could only bring 3 things what you bring?  

LittleRedBunny – First, a nice kind man that I get along with! Yes, call me old-fashioned, but I do still believe in different natural skills both genders have. Plus I would enjoy the company to keep my spirits up while both complementing each other with our own survival skills to make it last longer while having great companionship, which I think is mandatory for survival! Somebody to have fun with, a shoulder to cry on, we can cheer each other up when one is down, and we can team up to find ways to make our lives more bearable. Second, just as I believe my first point is straight down to earth for me, the next one is something to create fire and get water. God, I hope all that together will make us able to create cheese, bread, and butter too (oh! so maybe I need a cow?!) because after a little while (besides sex) these are the first things I crave! Third, If I can allow myself some luxury, the ability to play music. Music soothes my soul, stimulates me, relaxes me, or energizes me. Depending on the music, it is something that I find great for keeping my mood up or just relax when needed and music just puts my whole soul in a better place. 

Bender, With Valentine’s day coming up what is your perfect valentine’s day?  

LittleRedBunny – Feeling like someone appreciates you and loves you. And for me, less is more, so simply going to a movie, then dinner and a drink to just talking about the movie or anything, and bond closer together, with nice thoughts and laughter. But also, cooking for each other with a cozy night of cuddling would be just as much a perfect night too. And of course, passionate lovemaking!

Bender, Ok now how can your fans keep up with you and your career what social media do you use? 

LittleRedBunny – You can find me on social media here: LittleRedBunny – You can find me on social media here: I have my 2 websites. The first has many posts, videos, pictures, articles and links to all the things I’ve done and places I am going or am at. It will also soon be updated with more information about my LittleRedAcademy and how to sign up or get more information about it. (though there is a contact page where people can reach me to discuss if interested) second website has many posts in the blog too, for food and drink recipes, and also naughty videos and pictures people can buy a monthly membership to view all the content or purchase one set of pictures or video individually as they wish 🙂 


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