CamLife Magazine

CamLife Interviews Megan Kroft
CamLife Interviews Megan Kroft an award-winning Live webcam model with Studio 20 & Live Jasmin.
Before we start I want to thank you once again, Megan, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down and talk to us here at CamLife Magazine to answer some questions for readers.
Bender – Now Megan you were first featured in CamLifemag in our groundbreaking second issue in our Spotlight showcase. And since then your career has skyrocketed can talk winning several Awards or you’re working like webcam community most recently you want an award for social media star at the Ynot Awards in Hollywood California can you tell us a little bit about what it’s like to be recognized for your work in the live webcam community? Megan – It’s great to be seen and recognized for my work. They love the industry has shown me, the liberty that being a cam model gives me is like something I can’t even compare. I am truly grateful for all the love I am shown and the people I meet daily both on cam and in the industry.
Bender – Then you’ve been camming for around four years now what are your goals as a live webcam performer in the live webcam industry? Megan – I want to do the most I can do in the industry: be a performer and an influencer, teacher, trainer. But that’s a long way to go. I would like to have my training platform together with other cam models and help new models to make it. I’m not saying I know everything, I don’t, but that’s a long term plan.
Bender – What are your goals outside of the industry? Megan – Get a dog and live happily ever after. LOL Honestly, I don’t see myself going out of the industry in the future. As I said, I’d like to be here for a long time. There’s still a lot to learn and do.
Bender – Megan, you have become someone other cam models look up to do you feel like you have a responsibility to set a higher standard two new models? Megan – Hahhahahahha. I am not someone to look up to. I have a whole team behind me and on my side yelling, screaming and punching and helping me. I have days when I don’t want to come to work when I feel entitled, when I’m lazy, when I forget my goals and honestly, if it weren’t for the team that I have, I would have bailed. I am lucky to have them next to me and encouraging me. The new models should understand that if you’re not 100% dedicate and self-motivated, you’d better have a good team helping you as the competition is tough.
Bender – So Megan you have been with Studio 20 for the entirety of your career in live webcam industry what makes Studio 20 so great? Megan – There are a lot of things that make Studio20 the best cam studio and why I choose them. First, it’s the team. They push you, they set you up for success, they encourage you, they lift you, they scold you and push your limits. The #girlsfromstudio20 are not spoiled, not even a bit. The Studio20 team makes sure we understand this is a career and not just an “I want to make money fast” type of situation so even though they help us with everything, they make sure that we also understand how to manage our finances, our lives, etc. The people working there are amazing as well and it’s just this very loving atmosphere.
Bender – Megan what kind of opportunities are out there for cam models to grow their brands and succeed outside of Camming? Megan – We see mainstream influencers making it big. As long as you’re faithful to your brand, to what you represent and keep focus, I think there are a lot of opportunities to make money and succeed.
Bender – Megan I asked in our very first interview back in 2018 if you had anybody special in your life can you give us an update has anything changed? Megan – It did change. I am now in a committed relationship with a German. He takes all my money, is always thirsty but it gets me to where I need to go, keeps me safe and happy. I’m talking about my sweet Audi car lmao.
Bender – How do you balance your personal life and your life as a cam model? Megan – I try to make sure my loved ones feel appreciated and I spend as much time as I can with them. I still keep in contact with my members and fans even when I’m not online, through social media or keeping my video call feature active. It’s not a matter of choosing one or the other as it’s more about prioritizing and giving your 100% while in certain situations.
Bender – What do you like the most about broadcasting through LiveJasmin? Megan – I believe the platform offers a lot of opportunities for performers. I like the members and I love that it’ a premium platform.
Bender – What is your favorite part about being a live webcam performer? Megan – The people I meet daily and that I talk to. I am addicted to that.
Bender – What do you like least about being a live webcam performer? Megan – Now that there are more and more models, I’d say not that there’s something that I dislike about being a performer, as I dislike the way other performers are trying to push the limits of the site. If you choose to be on a premium platform, act accordingly, respect the rules and understand the way you’re behaving are teaching members how to behave with other performers on the site.
Bender – How has your performance as a live webcam performer evolved and changed since the last time we spoke? Megan – I grew a thicker skin and learned empathy. I am more patient and know how to turn any situation in my favor. But that comes with time and from experience.
Bender – As I said we have the chance to hang out at the Ynont community event in Los Angeles California. What do you like most about going to events? Megan – The events are important to me as I get to meet other performers from around the world, speak at seminars, learn from other people. I think every performer should attend trade shows to have a better understanding of what’s going on outside her room.
Bender – How important is attending events for your career? Megan – It’s not the attending part that is important, as what you get from it. In my case, it was about knowing people, attending seminars and workshops and creating a real connection with the people in the business.
Bender – Now I know that you are friends with Lanna Fiquet of Studio 20 Columbia can you tell us a little bit about this friendship? Megan – #girlsfromstudio20 is the best thing that ever happened to me. Being part of an international Cam Studio like Studio20 means that you get to travel and meet your “sisters”. Lana Fiquet is one of the sweetest, most genuine people I met. Her spirit, her passion is contagious. One can’t meet her without falling completely in love.
Bender – I was recently going to The Archives of CamLife Magazine besides your first appearance in our second issue you have been featured multiple times but this is your first cover what was your reaction when you found out you were getting the cover? Megan – I didn’t expect it. I saw who you had on the cover before and I was like “This isn’t happening”, so I was more than excited about it. It’s an honor.
Bender – some people may or may not know I’m a huge comic book fan, yes I know it doesn’t go with the whole X bouncer professional boxer thing but at heart, I’m a geek but you have this unique superpower of being able to walk backward and take selfies at the same time without tripping how did you get this superpower? Megan – LMAO, I come from Romania, we’re vampires. we can see in the dark, live forever and walk backward taking selfies. How else do you think I managed to get 2 awards for Social Media Star? lol
Bender – Do you have any other superpowers? Megan – I can make food disappear and I can sleep for 14 hours straight.
Bender – Who is your favorite superhero? Megan – Batman. Batman is the best.
Bender – What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Megan – I think I’m dressing down actually LOL. I haven’t thought about it, to be honest. But knowing me, I’ll have at least 5 outfits ready and switch in between them.
Bender – What is your favorite scary movie? Megan – I love The Shining and IT. I think you can call them scary movies.
Bender – Can you tell us a little bit about the financial benefits of being a cam model? Megan – As long as you take care of your money and don’t spend it like crazy thinking you’re going to get more and more, it’s an incredible benefit.
Bender – What was your favorite part about attending the YNOT Cammunity event in Los Angeles besides hanging out with me and Lanna, of course, Megan – HAHAHHAHA. It was my first time in LA so I was like a kid, wanting to see everything. Attending the seminars, the parties, meeting new people. Thinking about it now, it seems like I dreamt it. It was amazing.
Bender – You and I share something else in common other than our love for the live webcam community and that is our incredible talent for being yelled at by Andra what is your relationship like with this amazing lady? Megan – She’s scary. Whenever I see she’s calling (which she rarely does so I know I must’ve done something bad), I throw the phone away. LOL. I’m kidding.
She’s the only person that I can’t get mad at if and when she yells at me. I love her so much, She inspires me through all the things that she does, her passion is crazy. I recognize her laugh from a million people, the way she looks when she’s sad and her smile when she’s tired. She’s been by my side since the beginning and I remember to this day when she looked at me and told me that I have what it takes to make it big. I don’ think I would be where I am without her help and constant support. I know she’ll never admit this to anyone so I’ll say it: through her tough exterior, even though she’s hard on models and people sometimes, she will kill whoever dares to say anything bad about her “spawns” how she likes to call us. It doesn’t matter if she just yelled at us for the same reason someone picks on us. She’ll tear that person apart. LOL
Bender – If you had to spend three days alone on a deserted island, what three things would you bring with you? Megan – Hmmm, something to filter water with, a knife and sunblock. I’d survive in the wild.
Bender – Now I know you live a very healthy lifestyle you seldom smoke don’t drink input your professional life above your personal life how much discipline does it take for you to maintain this lifestyle? Megan – I used to eat a lot of sugary stuff and drink a lot of energy drinks but you know what? It comes to a point when you feel they’re making life harder for you than they’re helping so I just stopped. I understand people like me for my personality but my appearance is the first thing you see so I can’t have bad skin, bad hair, and overall bad health. Health is the most important thing. I’ve disciplined myself and to be honest, the people from Studio20 have done it too. I don’t know how many times they’ve thrown my bottle of CocaCola away until I got it.
Bender – Do you have any pets if so are you a dog or a cat person? Megan – I don’t have pets. I do love animals, and just because of that and because of my working schedule and so, I can’t have one now. But if I could, I would adopt every pet there is.
Bender – What advice would you give to a new performer or someone thinking about becoming a live webcam performer? Megan – Do your research. Ask as many questions as you can. Don’t give up no matter how hard you think it is.
Bender – Megan you were featured in our list in the list of 25 Cam models that are in a League of Their Own coming in at number three what was your reaction to being featured I’m such a list alongside names like Devious Angel, LittleRedBunny and Ella Silver just to name a few? Megan – I know Devious Angel because we started in Studio20 and I know her both as a model and as a studio manager. When I first met her, I was impressed by her poise, her power, her will. She’s tiny but she’s fierce. Little Red Bunny for me is a superstar. She’s smart, humble, sweet. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Ella in real life but from what I see and how she is, the woman is a goddess. I’m humbled by being considered good enough to be among them.
Bender – Now he terms sex worker which is often used to describe webcam performers what are your thoughts on this term? Megan – I think you can call us “butterflies” and it would still offend some people. I believe society just has a problem with people that sin differently than them. Cam performers don’t sell sex (and there’s nothing bad with or about the people that do), they “sell” a sexy fantasy. I honestly have no opinion on this as it hasn’t affected me that much…or I just learned to deal with it and just go on my way. Growing up in Romania as a girl, people judge you just because.
Bender – As you know, we believe that the live webcam industry is more than a multibillion-dollar business it is a community of performers and entrepreneurs that want each other to do well what are your thoughts on this? Megan – we truly are. I see in the #girlsfromstudio20 as well. Even though we work for the same studio, we support each other. we want to see each other succeed. Building a community around something that is still a bit taboo was just our way of responding to people that judge.
Bender – Can you tell our readers a little bit about our day at the beach with Lana? Megan – As I told you, it was my first time in LA and actually in the USA. Being a big movie fan, I grew up with movies and series that were shot in LA and Lanna the same. It was like I’ve already been there, seen it. I was just extremely happy. And opening it with Lanna was even better.
Bender – How important is it to have a positive attitude and outlook on life as a live webcam performer? Megan – With all the stuff people say and throw at you daily both on cam (the trolls) and in real life, the constant judgment that we as adult performers are facing, if you don’t brush it off, you’re going to go crazy. Some can do it themselves, some need more help. Pineapple Support is doing an incredible thing by helping performers with this.
Bender – You were someone puts 110% into everything you do as we’ve discussed you have a very strong work ethic how did this come about where do you get your drive from? Megan – I can’t say it comes 100% from me. I have my bad days, I sometimes feel lazy like everyone does. it’s good to have a team close to you to help you and motivate you.
Bender – Do you have any tips on the best way to use social media how did you become so successful as a social media influencer in the live webcam Community? Megan – Ask Andra to yell at you 24/7 LOL. My tips would be to be genuine, post the content that represents you, be your goofy self and people will love you. Also, think “Would I follow myself on social media?” If the answer is “No”, then do something to change that.
Bender – Now we know being a live webcam performer is much more than just being sexy on cam it’s about building the connection with your viewer how important is this aspect to your success? Megan – Oh, absolutely. Creating connections is all that camming is about. If you’re just sexy or cute, it will only get you so far. Create connections, learn about the other person and genuinely care about what’s going on in their life.
Bender – What is a typical day on cam like for you? Megan – just come and see me!
Bender – What is a typical day like for you when you’re not camming? Megan – – I try to spend as much time as I can with my friends and family and relax. Just take short trips, treat myself to nice things, just show me a good time LOL. Self-care.
Bender: Okay one last question what social media do you use how can your fans keep up with you and your career? Megan: All my fans can stay in touch with me on Twitter: @MeganKrofft, Instagram: @MeganKroft