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CamLife Professional Life Hacks

CamLife Professional Life Hacks

Six Professional Life Hacks These game-changing hacks will simplify life & and your schedule

Time management is a superpower

We all know those supper chared individuals that somehow manage to achieve a level of Super-powered success while others struggle just to make till the end of the day.

When you see these seemingly super-powered individuals achieve a level of unimaginable success, it’s not because they were bitten by a Radioactive Spider, or struck by lightning in a lab accident. It’s because somehow they’ve figured out how to utilize those hours in a way that is more effective and more productive, and allows for compounding results.

Whether your goal is to take your career to the next level or to just have more control over your personal schedule, these are the 10 life hacks you need to implement in your daily routine:

1. Set alarms for everything.

This is Something I Live by as someone who wears many hats father, spouse, all, besides, running multiple businesses, etc.

  Alarms are one of the best tools your smartphone has. I use alarms for everything from when I wake up to my morning meditation, going to the gym, following up with leads, family events even checking Twitter and Facebook.  

Success tends to be the result of being able to manage more with less–meaning you can handle 10x the responsibilities of most people, but with the same (or even less) effort. This goes back to the idea of working smart, not hard…

So, with an increase in responsibilities, you can’t expect yourself to remember everything. It’s a waste of brainpower. Just set reminders and show up when you need to. It’s that easy.

2. If someone wants to schedule a call, Video chat, or meeting send a Google calendar invite.

Building on the practice we have already set up above, if someone emails you requesting a call, meeting video conference or if you email someone to schedule a call–always, always, always send a Google invite.

Not only does this ensure you don’t forget, but it ensures the other person won’t forget either. And more than that, it shows you’re on top of your game.

You’re organized, and you’re going to be there when you say you’re going to be there.

3. Stack your activities together–don’t bounce between different tasks.

If you have a ton of calls this week. See if you can move them all to one afternoon, back to back to back.

Do you have a bunch of articles or written content to complete? Look I have learned over the past two years of writing for CamLIfe Magazine to Knock it out of the way say I have fore articles to finish than ill knock them out, put them in pox for our editor his team so I’m not holding them up.

Do you have a bunch of video editing to do? Do it all in the morning, instead of doing some now and then some later.

Do you need to think through a big pitch for a potential client? Block off an evening to focus on that and only that.

Another great tool that will help you and your whole team to better manage time

By performing related tasks one after the other, you’re able to move at a faster pace. The reason is that you get into a grove for that one specific type of activity. Whereas, if you have a call, then try to edit a video for 40 minutes, then respond to two emails, and then hop on another call, by the time it’s 2 p.m. you’re a zombie just barely able drag through the rest of your day.

4. Don’t start your day by answering emails. Start with your hardest tasks.

Most entrepreneurs that live by this golden rule.

When you start your day by checking your inbox, you immediately put yourself in a reactive state. You’re reacting to the day, to other people’s requests, instead of setting out to get done what you know you need to get done, first.

instead, start off with a tough task. Work through the hard stuff earlier on, and save the mind-numbing email tasks for lunch or later in the day. But don’t waste those precious morning hours responding to other people’s requests.

They can wait. (And that’s not out of disrespect–just an awareness of protecting your time.)

5. Schedule time to relax

Having your day jam-packed with commitments from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. is not realistic. And it’s also not sustainable.

I start my day with a morning meditation before the gym I also make time for a Midday Meditation some days I will even schedule in a matinee at the theater with my 8-year-old to decompress and start fresh killing two birds with one stone.

I also a big proponent of Scheduling power naps or just take the time to step away from your workload leave the laptop behind go have a quick bite or cup of coffee with your spouse or a friend. I will often just go on a 20 min walk with my daughter and the dogs when a come back I to where I left off my mind is clear and I have a second wind.

A better long-term model (to ensure you don’t burn out, crash, and then spend a week recovering) is to deliberately schedule a time to relax. If you have called all morning, give yourself an hour to go grab lunch uninterrupted. If you have a crazy week, spend your weekend doing something to recharge.

Laddering up in life means playing the long game

6. Delegate as much as possible.

If you value an hour of your time at X, then anything below that cost, outsource.

Delegation is one of the only ways you can really scale your time. And a lot of people struggle to delegate for two reasons:

One great tool we use here at CamLife Magazine to divide up the workload is is a visual tool for organizing your work and life. There are many similar such as

If you want to be a one-person show, then, by all means, keep doing everything yourself. But if you want to scale your time and build something bigger than yourself, then you’re going to have to let go of some of that emotional attachment. This a lesson we have had to learn the hard way.

A daily routine is very important  everyone has  but the real question is does it work for you Check out our Frrind   Walter Van Liesdonk

For r more great articles for and from professionals in the live Cam Industry Check out  The CamLife Pro Shop 


By Gabriel Bender Cain CamLife Magazine President & CEOGabriel Bender Cain

Gabriel Bender Cain is the co-founder of Explicit Inc,  President & CEO / CamLife Magazine. Bender Cain is a retired pro boxer who has worked in the adult night club industry for 25 years.  

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