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Get Ripped with Brutus K

Get Ripped with Brutus K  

We here at CamLife Magazine asked our Friend Brutus K to share with us some fitness tips on how a male cam model can achieve an amazing body.Brutus K.

I have been working out for almost 13 years. I can’t say there is a special formula for the perfect workout or for the perfect diet and even if you manage to find it, they wouldn’t help you much if you don’t have a good genetic for it or a proper sleeping schedule. The genetic part is, in a way, not your fault. You are either born with a body that responses very well to sports or not, but the other three can be done only with your help. When I first started working out I was a boy a little above average physique and but I had no idea what to do, I just wanted to build up some muscles because back then I did not have too many activities that I could do. The only exercises that I knew were the basic pushups, pull-ups, and bicep curls. I started talking to people from the gym about anything and I was lucky because people were different back then. I trained with the generation that learned from each other. Trainers were very few back then, people felt that there is no need to have a trainer, and also they were expensive. So I couldn’t afford to pay one, I had to learn on my own, just like I did with other things in my life. My workout back then was pretty basic :  Brutus K.

Day 1: Back + Triceps

Day 2: Chest + Biceps + Abs

Day3: Deltoids + Traps

Day4: Legs

did this workout for about 2-3 years, perfecting my angles, isolating the specific muscle group as good as possible, trying to concentrate more, and obtain a full flex of the muscles from the beginning until the end of the exercise.

After a while, I changed my workout (let’s call it a bit advanced, since with this workout biceps and triceps were no longer trained with chest and back, they are trained separately, and I started working out forearms and traps):

Day 1: Chest + AbsRipped with Brutus K

Day 2: Back + Forearms

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Biceps + Triceps

Day 5: Deltoids + Traps

There are so many workouts, but in my case, this routine is the one that worked the best for me. In the past 3 years I started splitting the leg muscles in two different days: one day I do quads and another day I workout hamstrings + glutes + calves. I know you will ask “how would a regular person have the time to go 6 days out of 7 in the gym?” The thing is I don’t go 6 days, I try to go as much as possible and if I skip a group in Week 1, I will make sure to start with it in Week 2.

My advice for people would be to make a plan on how many days per week to workout. I would advise them to have a day off in the middle of the week, usually, Wednesdays and Sundays can count as being rest days.

About the workout…hmmm…I could write so many things about it, depends on what you would like to achieve, either to gain muscle mass, lose weight, gain strength or endurance. The most common is to gain muscle mass or to lose weight. For someone who is looking to work out 3-4 times a week I would suggest something like :

Day 1: Chest + Triceps + AbsBrutus K.

Day 2: Back +biceps + Forearms

Day 3: Deltoids + Traps

Day 4: Legs

For chest, back, deltoids -3-4 exercises per muscle group, 4 sets, 8-12 reps

For quads, hamstrings -3 exercises per muscle group, 4 sets, 8-12 reps

For biceps, triceps, and abs -3 exercises per muscle group, 4 sets, 8-12 reps

For traps, forearms, and calves -2 exercises per muscle group, 4 sets, 10-12 reps.

Nowadays there are so many types of plans and exercises, the options are unlimited, you can do the basic workout, you can do supersets, you can train from lightweight to heavyweight or reverse. For example, when I workout biceps and triceps, sometimes I do one exercise for biceps one for triceps then again I do one for biceps one for triceps.

All the time I change the exercises for each group, but I try to do the main ones. For example on Chest day, I do dumbbell and barbell press incline all the time and then I change the next 2 exercises every workout. For back day I always do pull-ups or deadlifts every week and for the rest of the exercises, I try to change them so they won’t repeat themselves 2 weeks in a row. On Quads day, sometimes I do supersets, like squats + lunges, without break or squats + leg press. On Deltoid day, I would do a superset combining lateral dumbbell flies with front barbell rises. 

Try working out all the muscle groups, even if u feel some of them are not that important they will help you with the main groups. Like for example, forearms can improve your grip when you are holding the barbell or the dumbbells. You can’t achieve a big chest or a big back without big forearms. It is the same thing with calves when you are doing squats or leg press.

Do not forget that every workout is effective with the proper sleep and a healthy diet. 

By Brutus K 

CamLife Magazine

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