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”Get social with Lauren MacEwen

”Get social with Lauren MacEwen


There is a lot of competition in camming. Everywhere you turn there is another post about a camgirl. But despite the competition, cam girls are getting huge followings and using social media to drive tons of customers to their cam shows. But how do you stand out? What can you do to capture part of that traffic?


First, you need to find the networks that will be the best for you.


Social Networks


  1. TwitterWith over 328 million users on Twitter, it might not be the whale but it is a whale of a social network. Twitter has historically been the most permissive with the content you are allowed to share. Adult content is allowed on Twitter. Pretty much, if it is legal then you are allowed to tweet about it. Twitter also does not require you to be a “friend” of someone in order for them to see your content or speak to them. This allows for much more aggressive strategy than the other networks. Plus, if you like to post a lot then Twitter is your place to be because there is pretty much no such thing as too much tweeting…pretty much.


  1. SnapchatThis is where all the younger people are hanging out. Snapchat is not technically permissive of adult content. You are not allowed to share nudes or sexual content on your snap stories. Though stories do appear publicly, you pretty much have to friend someone to see their story. This network takes longer to build up but is becoming very popular for cam girls. Many camgirls are swappingsnapcodes to share on each other’s snapchat to help build up followings, and brands are doing snapchat takeovers which are good for the brand and good for the model.


  1. Instagram this is the social network du jour currently. This is great for sharing safe for work photos and giving your fan base a chance to get to know you as a person. This network is harder for driving traffic because the only link is in the profile. They are also much more restrictive regarding what you can share and do not approve of adult content.

4.FacebookThis is the biggest social network in the world! The biggest problem is that everything must be safe for work and they do not approve of the adult content. Facebook can be used to drive traffic to your cam site, but it is mainly used for increasing awareness and giving your fans another outlet to be able to interact with you.


Reddit is becoming a powerhouse for driving traffic. Though this network is also the toughest as far as encountering a troll. Reddit is also ideal for cam models. There are many subreddits specifically for cam girls to promote themselves. Some will let you link to your campsite and others will only let you post images. As long as you are posting according to the subreddit rules, you can pretty much share whatever you want. Standing Out Now that you know the networks you can decide which ones are best for you to be on. 



Most people like to be on all of them. The idea is that if you are everywhere you will catch the most traffic. This is not necessarily true. If you have the time to be on all the networks and do them well, then absolutely do it! But if you do not have time to post on all of them daily (Reddit is the exception), and engage with your audience on each network, then only do the ones you have time for. If you use your phone in your social media, you will not get much out of it. It is better to focus on one or two and do them well.


In the sea of cam girls on social networks, how do you stand out from the crowd? Engagement is one of the top ways to do this. Many people get on social media and they never talk to anyone. Years ago, people like Ashton Kutcher andCharlie Sheen popularized the idea of scarcity marketing. If you tweet then people will just follow you. Suddenly you will have a million followers and be the most popular person in the world. I hate to break your bubble but that is not how it works unless you are Ashton Kutcher or Charlie Sheen. And let’s face it, both of them built up their popularity prior to Twitter. If you are a normal human being, you will have to work to build your following. Thankfully there is an organic snowball effect. Once you build some momentum you will naturally start increasing your follower numbers. But think of your social marketing account as a plant. Even if you get rain (organic growth) sometimes you still have to water(make an effort).


Engagement is the best way to build a good following, increase your reach, your influence, your click-through rate, and customer loyalty. Social media is about being social. You are not on a soapbox preaching to the world. You are in a crowd and you have the choice to scream out your message and hope someone listens to you, or talk to the people in the crowd and know they are listening to you. Engagement marketing is built on the idea of talking to people. When you talk to people on social media, they are more likely to retweet, program and share your content. They are more likely to come back and talk to you more. They are more likely to click through because your content is no longer a random camgirllink. You are now someone they know.

So reply to the people who are talking to you. Like other people’s content. Go follow people and they will follow you back. Jump into conversations and meet new people. The more you participate the more the social universe will participate with you. It’s the karma of social media.


Standing out also requires quality content and consistency.

1.Quality Content: I am sure you have seen the girls that tweet and post grainy and out of focus photos. Or their pictures look like an afterthought. Put some effort into your photos. Post photos that are taken in good lighting and are in focus. Participate in the fun trending hashtags like#tittytuesday or #friskyfriday. Share photos of you getting ready for your cam show, or even live broadcast it on Twitter or Facebook. Just make sure to cut it off before you go from SFW to NSFW. Share the link to your cam show when you go live and try to tweet in the middle of the show to say you are on cam.2.Consistency: This is one of the hardest ones for people. Be consistent with your posting. If you have a schedule for your camshow, tweet about your schedule. Let people know when you will be on in advance, then again when you are on, and then again in the middle. The only way to drive people to your cam show is to let them know you are online.

Just like anything, if you are going to do it well you need to understand how it works. Take your time to learn the ropes of the different networks. Research the hashtags you want to use with your posts. Discover the type of content your audience likes and give that to them.

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