CamLife Magazine

Male Star Showcase Brutus K
This issue’s male star showcase is Romanian cam model Brutus K broadcasting on Flirt4free.
We here at CamLife Magazine first became aware of Brutus when our friend Alex Lecomte at 7viles suggested we do a feature on him. So we exchanged a few messages on twitter and it turns out that Alex was right as always Brutus is a perfect fit for this month’s male showcase.
Brutus began his webcam carrier almost 10 years ago when he was was a student at the university and working part-time as a personal trainer in a gym. Though Brutus had heard of the live webcam industry before he hadn’t given it much thought until a guy from the gym approached him and asked if I wanted to give it a shot. All that was required on Brutus part was o know a bit of English have an open-mind, computer, and a webcam. After a month or so Brutus was going to exams, working as a trainer and working as a webcam model. After that, he quit his job as a trainer and I only went to university and worked on caming.
After a few years, Brutus started going to seminars, summits. He started learning things that he couldn’t learn from behind the monitor or from reading forums. He met models from the industry. He learned a lot from top models and from models who are new in the industry. Brutus as a great personality he’s funny, kind-hearted it this easy-going laid back attitude that has helped him build a connection with his viewers. Brutus is very athletic 3 years ago he began e competing in bodybuilding. He says it has become a part of life. He also enjoys skiing, swimming, snorkeling, playing soccer.
Brutus traveling to new locations, visiting places that are full of history and culture, taking pictures of wildlife, sometimes ‘ I love sitting in the middle of the square in a different city and enjoy a glass of beer/wine and just listen to the crowd talking, laughing, see their way of life’ Another thing he loves is to walk by myself on a beach and just listen to the sea. He also spends a lot of time with friends and family always willing to help any way he can. ” I guess you learn many things from people, even if they are webcam legends or rookies.”When we asked Brutus about how the live webcam industry has changed since he started 10 years ago this is what he had to say. Ten years ago, Things were a lot easier in the webcam industry. There was no need for any kind of friendly background, lights, professional webcams, not even the audio feature. Basically, you needed a computer, an Internet connection, and a webcam. I remember the light in my room was from a small lamp, and traffic was very high compared to some days in the present times and customers were eager to talk to me even though my appearance on cam was far from good. They enjoyed the personalities and the bodies of models in spite of everything else. You could have worked in grandma’s basement, they wouldn’t care, as long as you were friendly and had an attractive body.
There were no social media linked to the webcam industry, so customers had to talk more to models in order to find out more about them, and of course, that leads up to private shows :)) which were often because customers were curious to see what you did every day or every week. I started working on Flirt4Free which has become my main site. My second site was Livejasmin, which everybody can confirm, was full of traffic. There were days when I couldn’t t see what customers were typing because guests were talking a lot, not necessarily in a good way, and their lines were falling behind so many times, I would have to scroll to see what certain people were talking to me about. After 1 year I started working on Streamate, Imlive, friends. But eventually, I narrowed things to Flirt4Free and once in a while Streamate or LiveJasmin. When freemium sites started becoming more popular, it changed things a bit and everybody knows that. It has become very hard for most models to adapt but some actually made more than when they worked on premium sites. Personally, I couldn’t adapt to freemium sites, maybe I did not try hard enough.
One of the things I learned was how important it is to have a social media account, in my case, a Twitter account, because you always have to keep up with what is new in the industry. Ten years ago that wasn’t possible and now it’s a “must”. Another important thing is to establish a connection with customers, by giving them benefits such as Fan club memberships for free, in some cases, free access to pic’s, videos, free shows and most of all, remembering the time spent with them either in free chat or Private chat.
Many customers know a lot about models even by sitting in the chat rooms for hours, days, months and not saying anything. That is why it’s important to always have a positive attitude online even when you have bad days with low traffic or just rude customers. You never know who is watching you and how your attitude triggers something good and that customer will become one of your biggest fans. Also, I use a lot of notes regarding customers. I try to write whatever I find important or cool about them and to write it down so the next time they will be in my chat room, even if it is next week or next year, they will be surprised about the fact that the model remembered something about him.
Another important thing is to be up to date with new things like new clothes, new cameras, change the broadcasting room from time to time, either kitchen, bathroom, backyard, whatever you can.
Another thing for models is contests. Because customers will encourage their favorites to win. It’s a race where they get to be in the spotlight because they have the power to help whatever model they want and other customers in the chat room will see that. So, in the end, it’s a contest for models but in the backstage, it’s a contest between members…who tipped the most, who spent the most, who helped the winner.
Most of all I learned that no matter how much money you are making, no matter how popular you are, always remain a good person and treat people with the respect they deserve. Don’t let fame and money take away your humanity, act the same after 10 or 5 years of doing this job exactly like you acted when you first started, don’t let it transform you into a bad person. Money and fame come and go, but people will always remember you for the nice guy behind the camera, the guy who talked to them when they felt lonely, upset when they were rich or poor.
Brutus has this advice for models and something I learned over the years. Work on websites where you make the most money and where you feel appreciated by people who work for those platforms, such as trainers, admins, etc. And treat this job like any other normal job and always come with new things to entice your audience. Invest in yourself and in your work
Intro By Gabriel Bender Cain
Written By Teal with Brutus K