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bsmart studio

Cam Model Down Time

The story of Bsmart studios


Once upon a time, we had a dream … Wait wait! It’s not that type of article. Here, at Bsmart Studio (Bucharest, Romania), we don’t sell stories or fairy tales; we talk numbers, statistics, and facts. That, plus our name and motto speak louder than any crowd: “Bsmart Studio – Passion. Success. Happiness.”

Compared to other studios with hundreds of models, we are more boutique, but we like the boutique and we like that this way our over 15 models get plenty of attention and effort, which in time turn into success. Speaking of time, we remember going to the first AW Summit in 2014 – and every year since – and promising one day to make the headlines .. and now Bsmart Studio is featured in Cam Life Magazine. But let me continue the parallel with the boutique concept: not only are the results stellar, but the model experience is different, just like in a boutique hotel, and we all know how much we love boutique hotels.

We offer the world to our models and expect the world from them (in time). The same goes with our partner – since we believe in offering everything – and after 4 years of hard work, we became “Jasmin Certified Studio” which speaks lots about the results we were able to deliver to our partner using our boutique studio approach. And it also speaks lots about the figures our models see each month. There’s no need for false modesty because we are fully aware of our success and achievement, not to rest on our laurels but rather motivate us to reach even higher, both in terms of revenue/model but also in terms of a number of models and opening new locations.

Since day one we’ve been guided by a strong set of values and ethics (brought by the owner from the previous +10y of multinational corporate culture), and no, we haven’t hoped for miracles, but rather worked, improved, and proved what we can deliver to our partners (both models and cam site), proof that brought us Jasmin Certified Studio recognition and also a continuously increasing team of highly motivated and loyal models. From our perspective, it’s impossible to grow (from a business POV or as an individual) without hard work, ambition, and an amazing team. We have these attributes plus Jasmin’stotal support.

The passion (first word in our motto) we put every year since we started, led us to our motto’s second word (success), which brings with it the third word in our motto: happiness – for our models, partners, and ourselves. We put ourselves last because if our partners are happy, we are happy. You might laugh, but I feel the need to quote Jay-Z: “Nobody wins when the family feuds” (our models and our partner cam site – Jasmin – are our family, actually there’s another member in our family:, but more on this in another article).

Our girls and their comfort are one of our top priorities. Having that in mind we hired the best interior designer money can buy and created 10 boutique rooms, each with its own style, suited for different types of personality. I hope you noticed that I didn’t use the word “beautiful”, mainly because it’s 2018 and we would like to believe that, when it comes to beauty, there are no more crazy standards. We’ve seen girls like Winnie Harlow, Ashley Graham, or Lupita Nyong’o on the covers of famous magazines, women who are not the “girl- next- door” type; incredible women that redefined the word “beautiful” for all of us. We consider that we are part of that movement, we give everyone a chance, not only swimsuit model types, as long as the personality and character shine. We are trying to empower the amazing ladies we are working with not just financially, by helping them build a career, but also by guiding them step by step in their journey to become strong, powerful, independent, smart, amazing women.

Bsmart is not just a Studio; it’s a way of thinking, a lifestyle, a journey, an insanely-beautiful roller coaster of emotion and experiences.

Written By Anca Sandulescu

CamLife Magazine

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