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Top 7 Tips For Dealing With Cyberbullying


Top 7 Tips For Dealing With Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass or abuse somebody.”

Anybody can become a recipient of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is like cancer in the fact that anyone can be hit with it regardless of how old they are or the kind of job that they do or what their hobbies might be. In fact, it is well documented that a lot of our favorite celebrities and role models also experience cyberbullying. Many in the adult entertainment industry have been affected by this dangerous trend This Insidious act has even if that did the live cam community and many of its performers. Victims of cyberbullying are often affected emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. With the live webcam cam industry and the cam performers working within it gaining more attention from the world the risk for those working in the live webcam community of becoming a target of a cyberbully grows as well.

The most important thing is knowing how to deal with it. Here are the top 9 ways to deal with cyberbullying if you’re being targeted:

  1. Never respond

Do not reply to anything that has been said or retaliate by doing the same thing back. Saying something nasty back or posting something humiliating

in revenge may make matters worse or even get you into trouble.

  1. Screenshot

If you can, take a screenshot of anything that you think could be cyberbullying and keep a record of it on your computer.

  1. Block and report

Most online platforms have this function, make sure you block and report the offending users to the appropriate social media platform.

  1. Talk about it.

You may not feel it at the time, but cyberbullying affects you in many different ways. You are not alone. Talking to somebody about bullying not only helps you seek support but it documents evidence and will take a huge weight from your shoulders. You may even seek out from organizations such as Pineapple support 

  1. How serious is it?

Assess how serious cyberbullying is. If it is light name-calling from somebody that you don’t know, it may just be easier to just report and block that user.

  1. Report it.

If you are experiencing cyberbullying from somebody report it. If somebody is threatening you, giving out your personal information or making you fear for your safety, contact the Police or an adult as soon as you can.

  1. Be private.

We recommend that you keep your social media privacy settings high and do not connect with anybody who you do not know offline. You wouldn’t talk to random people on the street, so why do it online? People may not always be who they say they are and you could be putting you and those that you care about the most at risk. If you have questions on social media safety we recommend that you contact our friends at 7 Veils Media.

 Rember you are not alone the live cam industry is more than a multi-billion dollar business it is a community we care about and want to help.

Written By Gabriel Bender Cain      

CamLife Magazine

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